Your inflation forecasts, compared

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In this issue

  • Comparing your inflation forecasts

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Readers expect inflation to keep falling

Nonrival readers think there's a better-than-even chance that inflation falls beow 4.5% annually, by June.

How your forecast compares

  • You didn't make a prediction by the deadline. Otherwise you'd be seeing your forecast here.

  • The average reader forecast was 43%.

What other readers said

Reader rationales

10%: For the reasons in your post regarding supply chains and stimulus money exhausted. Despite the tight labor market, company layoffs should make people cautious with spending. Also, the higher interest rates and tighter banking lending requirements should cool demand for big ticket items. Thus, the low chance of inflation growing more than 4.5%.
30%: It seems like inflation is rapidly heading in the correct direction but I've been wrong about this particular subject in the past so giving this a roughly 1 in 3 chance of happening instead of my first instinct (1 in 10).
50%: Too close to call. Labor driven services could prove sticky; rent decreases taking a while to show up. But the trajectory is down. This is a 50/50
90%: Long term labour costs will increase as caring for boomers becomes predominant


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