Which workplace trends are real?

Welcome to Nonrival, the newsletter where readers make predictions.

This issue of the newsletter is a little different: Nonrival is partnering with Charter, the work-focused publication co-founded by some of my former Quartz colleagues. Nonrival readers and Charter readers will both make three forecasts—about remote work and employee benefits—and we'll compare the results in the new year.

The 2023 Future of Work Forecast

Which workplace trends will continue in 2023?

Back in September, Charter surveyed 500 business leaders about their priorities, including how they felt about remote work, employee benefits, and retention.

This week, we're forecasting what the responses will look like when Charter repeats its survey in Q2 of 2023. Specifically, we're asking three things:


  1. Will remote work policies stabilize, such that business leaders no longer expect further returns to the office?
  2. Will childcare benefits become more common?
  3. Will formal mentoring programs become more common?

Instead of the normal format, click the link and complete the brief survey (it should only take about a minute). There are also a few questions about your own work situation, one for each topic.

Your answers won't be shared any differently than usual: I'll publish the aggregate results, and Charter likely will as well. But I won't share any personal data with them.

This is the first time, to my knowledge, two publications have partnered to compare their readers' predictions. I'm very excited about this experiment and I hope you'll take the time to complete this forecast.

Deadline: Make a forecast by 9am ET Thurs. Dec. 22.

Fine print: The questions will be resolved by Charter's research team in Q2 of 2023.


The newsletter where readers make predictions about business, tech, and politics. Read the newsletter. Make a prediction with one click. Keep score.

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